Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Usual Day in our Lives...

I have been concerned about Carter's eye sight for quite some time now. I had to first get his allergies under control then proceed to the eye doctor if needed. 
He failed his eye exam at his pediatrician, so off to the eye doctor we went. 
My sister came with me so she could sit with Brax while I helped with Carter...and I have to day..if she hadn't been there, I probably would have cracked. 
Here's the two goofballs messing with my phone in the lobby....
 Here's cute Carter getting his eyes checked...
 He did so well...until they brought out the eye drops...this kid absolutely went nuts! I've never had him freak out that badly anywhere before. After about 6 nurses and doctors came in to see if I was killing him....my sister and I ended up tag-teaming this crazy child and she straddled his legs and held his hands while I had his head between my legs and put the eye drops in. 
The minute they were in...Carter said, "Oh that wasn't so bad." I could have died. 
Here's the picture after the appointment was over. It was so nice to walk out of there.
 These two boys have seriously become little besties. They play together so well and really think about each other all of the time. Braxton saved his preschool snack to give Carter one day, and Carter saved his candy he won at school to give to Brax. So precious.
 Brax has become his own person lately and it's been awesome to watch it all happen. We bring Jake a "slushly" and treat just about 3 times a week. He loves it just about as much as Jake does.
 These next two pics show how much fun having boys is.....Brax got on Jake's flipflops....
 and Carter put on mine...both boys still had their socks on as well.
Loving life!

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